Collective nouns are special words used to describe groups of people, animals, or things. They add richness and diversity to the English language, offering colourful ways to express collective entities. For example, instead of saying "a group of lions," we use the collective noun "pride." Similarly, "flock" refers to a group of birds, such as geese or sheep. These collective nouns not only simplify communication but also reflect the behaviours or characteristics of the animals they describe. In this quiz, you'll encounter clues associated with various animals and birds. By thinking about the words commonly associated with each species, you'll uncover the corresponding collective noun. For example, if the clue mentions "wool," you might guess the collective noun "flock," which is associated with sheep. Through this interactive and engaging activity, you'll enhance your understanding of collective nouns while expanding your vocabulary and knowledge of the animal kingdom. So, get ready to "Collect The Collection" and unlock the secrets of collective nouns!